
Selling Is For Suckers? Think Again

So who's the sucker now? You obviously were curious about this week's topic that you clicked on the link and well you ended up on this page, SOLD! Let me be up front with you, as much as we hate to admit it we are all sales people of some type. That's right, WE ARE ALL SALESPEOPLE! This week I want to expand your mind and help you understand what sales really is. Today's job economy is very stiff but companies are always hiring salespeople no matter what type of economy. The problem is no one wants to do sales because maybe they had a bad previous experience or just intimidated by its requirements. Regardless of the excuse, I want to make this very clear to you, we sell everyday and we don't even realize it.  You see selling doesn't necessarily mean that you are providing a product or service to a consumer and the person earns a commission. Selling is helping a person make a decision on an idea or experience. The consumer believes your advice and well th

Passion... What Does It Mean and What Is Yours?

With the Easter holiday being this week and all, I thought this would be a great topic to discuss. Passion, what does it mean to you and what is yours? Before we dive into the topic let me just be upfront, I will not discuss anything whether you're a believer or non-believer. The point I want to simply make across today is to help you understand what passion is and how you can apply it to your own life. According to Webster's Dictionary, passion means intense emotion: anger; rage; ardent love; zeal; enthusiasm. That's quite a bit of meanings and yet diverse. To me it means love or the expression of love. It may mean something else to someone else but bottom line is that we have a general understanding of what passion is. In today's culture, there are many people who are lost and consumed by the media and other outlets that feed into their minds. No offense if you're a reality show junkie, but just about everything on television these days is just straigh

Why Relationships Really Matter

That's right you read it right, I want to dig a little deeper and talk about our everyday encounters we have with people. Regardless, of what we do for a living, we all interact with human beings on a daily basis whether we like them or not. (sarcasm.) I mainly want to highlight this week is how well do you value your relationships and how can you utilize them. (If you think I am going to be talking about ex-boyfriends or girlfriends today, you got the wrong blog! You are being redirected now!) You see one of the biggest missed opportunities we tend to forget is that everything we do throughout our lives is based on relationships. Let's be realistic here, we all can attest to having a friend that does this and that, blah, blah. You must realize that whenever you are in a situation we always have someone to turn to no matter the circumstances (in regards to your situation). We all have a friend or relative that loves to watch football and drink beer every Sunday, we all know

The New Economy

Happy Friday everyone! It's been a month since my last blog topic, let's just say March was a hectic month for me. Anyways, today's topic is about the new economy and how you must adapt to it whether you want to or not. In 2008, we witnessed one of the most economic downturns the U.S. has faced in it's history. After six years now, we are still recovering from the recession and in case you have not realized our economy has transformed into a "new" economy. For those of you who are jobless or waiting on the fences for something to come across your path, I don't want to be the one to break it to you but it's like the Italians say "fah-gett-about-it." The unemployment rate is still roughly about 7%, there are a lot of people who are underemployed, working multiple part-time jobs and others who went to college who are not doing anything that has to do with what they studied. Jobs are being diminished everyday and there are plenty of reasons f

The Significance of 10,000

This week's topic, "The Significance of 10,000" Most of you are probably wondering why in the heck am I talking about the number 10,000, while a few of you may have a slight idea as to where I am going with this. There is a best-selling book titled, "Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell. I highly recommend this book to those of you who have not read it. Gladwell provides a wealth of information in regards to being successful and argues if we are born with luck or does hard work really pave the road to success for you. He introduces the 10,000 hour rule throughout the book and after intensive research he discovered that it takes about 10,000 hours before you are to become an expert in your desired field. Sounds crazy, but when you actually analyze it, it makes sense. Most of us want to be successful but do not want to have to put any work in, most importantly we do not want to sacrifice. In our culture today, we live in a world of entitlement

Why Change Is Good

This week we dive into a very intriguing topic, "Why Change Is Good." We all have experienced some type of change throughout our entire lives. For some of us it may have been a bad or good experience but regardless it had an impact on your life whether it was minor or major. I was having a conversation the other day with a friend of mine that I hadn't spoken to in months. We were catching up and both of us had complimented each other on how much we had changed since the last time we seen each other. He had told me that becoming a father had changed his life and that his child meant the world to him. As he was telling me this I could just feel his emotion through his expressions. I began to realize how much his character had developed. During graduate school, a topic we had discussed in a course was adapting to change in an organizational culture. The workplace has to be one of the most difficult settings to adapt to change. Most of us have either gone through

Haters... Love Them, Embrace Them.

For this week's topic I thought it would be a great idea to do a special one for Valentine's Day. Wait a second you are probably wondering but Bobby your topic mentions 'haters". Yeah it does and it obviously got your attention to get you here to read this. Well that's because I truly believe we should celebrate love with each other every day regardless of what day of the year it is. So let's dive right into this week's topic. Haters, what is a hater? The true definition of a hater is someone who dislikes intensely or passionately. Although, we all might have our own definition of a hater, especially in today's culture, but all in all they all correlate with the each other. Regardless, of what it means to you we all have had our own experience with haters and have learned to deal with them as well. Most notably, what we have learned from those experiences we have learned to apply them to our life. (Remember last week's topic.) We all have once in